note: This error originates from a subprocess, and is likely not a problem with pip. ERROR: Failed building wheel for brotlipy Running clean for brotlipy error: subprocess-exited-with-error × python clean did not run successfully. │ exit code: 1 ╰─> [48 lines of output] /opt/miniconda3/envs/andrew/lib/python3.12/site-packages/setuptools/ _DeprecatedInstaller: setuptools.installer and fetch_build_eggs are deprecated. !! ******************************************************************************** Requirements should be satisfied by a PEP 517 installer. If you are using pip, you can try `pip install --use-pep517`. ******************************************************************************** !! dist.fetch_build_eggs(dist.setup_requires) Traceback (most recent call last): ... OSError: [Errno 66] Directory not empty: '/private/var/folders/d9/xx71dx5j1p3c9chqs2lkpnjw0000gn/T/pip-install-rd1_nl4f/brotlipy_0b7457beb8c24d688c53258e9d34cc1b/.eggs/cffi-1.17.1-py3.12-macosx-11.1-arm64.egg/cffi-1.17.1.dist-info' -> '/private/var/folders/d9/xx71dx5j1p3c9chqs2lkpnjw0000gn/T/pip-install-rd1_nl4f/brotlipy_0b7457beb8c24d688c53258e9d34cc1b/.eggs/cffi-1.17.1-py3.12-macosx-11.1-arm64.egg/EGG-INFO' [end of output] note: This error originates from a subprocess, and is likely not a problem with pip. ERROR: Failed cleaning build dirfor brotlipy Failed to build brotlipy ERROR: ERROR: Failed to build installable wheels for some pyproject.toml based projects (brotlipy)
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在stack overflow上查找到原因:Since Python 3.8 had been released for about a year when Apple Silicon hit the market, Python 3.7 builds for osx-arm64 were never part of the regular build matrix for Conda Forge.简单来说就是3.7太老了,不支持苹果M1芯片的osx-arm64架构