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CS 210: Mathematical Logic Notes

#words premises::假设,前提

#words entails::合乎逻辑的推理

#words evaluation criteria::评估标准

#words Axiom::公理

#words Theorem::定理

#words Lemma::引理

#words Proof::证明

#words Syllogism::三段论

  • 三段论
  • Truth(正确性) for statements, Validity(有效性) for arguments/reasoning. They are not the same.

#words proposition::命题

#words deduction::推理

#words derivation::导出

Formula languages::形式语言

  • Formula languages : a precisely defined set of symbols and syntax(句法) rules.Using symbols and apply syntax rules to form formulas, where formulas represent propositions.
    Formula Deduction System::形式推演系统

  • Formula Deduction System
    logical truth or falsity(错误) of propositions is expressed through deductive calculations based on the formulas and rules.

  • Alphabet(字母):Symbols logical operators(And, Or, NOT, etc.),predicates,断言, constants, variables, and quantifiers(量词)

  • Syntax(句法): What makes a valid formula

  • Semantics(含义): Truth values and meanings for formulas.

  • Deduction systems(推理系统) : rules for performing deduction.


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